English synonyms about - contact  

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1 memorial

A recognition of meritorious service.

synonyms: commemoration, remembrance.

Roget 505: memory, remembrance; retention, retentiveness; tenacity; veteris vestigia flammae [Lat.]; tablets of the memory; readiness.    reminiscence, recognition, recollection, rememoration; recurrence, flashback; ... show more

Roget 551: trace, vestige, relic, remains; scar, cicatrix; footstep, footmark, footprint; pug; track mark, wake, trail, scent, ... show more

2 memorial

A written statement of facts submitted in conjunction with a petition to an authority.

Polish: memoriaƂ

3 memorial

A structure erected to commemorate persons or events.

synonym: monument.

Dutch: monument, herdenkingsplaats, grafmonument, grafteken
Polish: pomnik, monument

Moby thesaurus: Clio, Muse of history, account, adventures, adversaria, aide-memoire, annals, annotation, arch, autobiography, barrow, biographical sketch, biography, boundary stone, brass, bust, cairn, case history, catalog, celebrating ... show more.

Find more on memorial elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 594: description, account, statement, report; expose etc. (disclosure) 529; specification, particulars; state of facts, summary of facts; brief ... show more

Find more on memorials elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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