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1 confession

An admission of misdeeds or faults.

Roget 529: disclosure; retection; unveiling etc. v.; deterration, revealment, revelation; exposition, exposure; expose; whole truth; telltale etc. ... show more

Roget 950: penitence, contrition, compunction, repentance, remorse; regret etc. 833.    self-reproach, self-reproof, self-accusation, self-condemnation, self-humiliation; stings of conscience, ... show more

Polish: spowiedź, wynurzenie, wyznanie, zwierzenie

2 confession

A written document acknowledging an offense and signed by the guilty party.

Dutch: aveu, bekentenis, schuldbekentenis, schuldbelijdenis

3 confession

Roman Catholic Church The act of a penitent disclosing his sinfulness before a priest in the sacrament of penance in the hope of absolution.

Dutch: belijdenis, biecht, geloofsbelijdenis, peccavi, professie, schuldbelijdenis
Polish: spowiedź, konfesjonał

4 confession

A public declaration of your faith.

5 confession

The document that spells out the belief system of a given church (especially the Reformation churches of the 16th century).

Moby thesaurus: abject apology, acceptance, acknowledgment, adherents, admission, agape, allowance, apology, appreciation, asperges, aspersion, auricular confession, avowal, bar mitzvah, bas mitzvah, breast-beating, by-line, celebration, church, circumcision ... show more.

Find more on confession elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 594: description, account, statement, report; expose etc. (disclosure) 529; specification, particulars; state of facts, summary of facts; brief ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Clio, Muse of history, adventures, annals, autobiography, biographical sketch, biography, case history, chronicle, chronicles, chronology, curriculum vitae, diary, experiences, fortunes, hagiography, hagiology, historiography, history, journal ... show more.

Find more on confessions elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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