English synonyms about - contact  



1 pug

Small compact smooth-coated breed of Asiatic origin having a tightly curled tail and broad flat wrinkled muzzle.

synonym: pug-dog.

Roget 366: animal, animal kingdom; fauna; brute creation.    beast, brute, creature, critter [U.S.]; wight, created being; creeping thing, living thing; dumb animal, ... show more

Roget 551: trace, vestige, relic, remains; scar, cicatrix; footstep, footmark, footprint; pug; track mark, wake, trail, scent, ... show more

Dutch: mops, mopshond
Polish: mops


Roget 201: short, brief, curt; compendious, compact; stubby, scrimp; shorn, stubbed; stumpy, thickset, pug; chunky [U.S.], decurtate; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Chinese boxer, arch, bantamweight, black belt, blocky, boss, boxer, brown belt, bruiser, bump, chubby, chunky, clubfoot, colophon, concavity, convexity, dactylogram, dactylograph, dent, digit ... show more.

Find more on pug elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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