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1 snivel

Whining in a tearful manner.

synonym: sniveling.

2 snivel

The act of breathing heavily through the nose (as when the nose is congested).

synonyms: sniffle, snuffle.


1 snivel

Talk in a tearful manner.

synonym: whine.

2 snivel

Snuff up mucus through the nose.

synonym: snuffle.

3 snivel

Cry or whine with snuffling:
— Stop snivelling--you got yourself into this mess!.

synonyms: blub, blubber, sniffle, snuffle.

Roget 839: lament, mourn, deplore, grieve, weep over; bewail, bemoan; condole with etc. 915; fret etc. (suffer) 828; ... show more

Dutch: grienen, sniffen, snotteren

Moby thesaurus: bawl, be hypocritical, blandish, blubber, boohoo, break down, burst into tears, cant, cry, dissolve in tears, drop a tear, give lip service, give mouth honor, greet, mewl, mouth, play the hypocrite, pule, reek of piety, render lip service ... show more.

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