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1 importance

The quality of being important and worthy of note.

Roget 175: influence; importance etc. 642; weight, pressure, preponderance, prevalence, sway; predominance, predominancy; ascendency; dominance, reign; ... show more

Roget 642: importance, consequence, moment, prominence, consideration, mark, materialness.    import, significance, concern; emphasis, interest.    greatness etc. ... show more

Roget 62: precedence; coming before etc. v.; the lead, le pas; superiority etc. 33; importance etc. 642; antecedence, antecedency; ... show more

Roget 31: greatness etc. adj.; magnitude; size etc. (dimensions) 192; multitude etc. (number) 102; immensity; enormity; ... show more

Roget 873: distinction, mark, name, figure; repute, reputation; good repute, high repute; note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation" [As You Like It], ... show more

Dutch: belang, belangrijkheid, relevantie
Polish: waga, ważność, miejsce, znaczenie

2 importance

A prominent status:
— A person of importance.

synonym: grandness.

Moby thesaurus: account, ascendancy, authority, charisma, charm, clout, concern, consequence, conspicuousness, control, credit, distinction, dominance, domination, effect, elevation, eminence, enchantment, esteem, exaltation ... show more.

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