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1 crucial

Of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis:
— A crucial moment in his career.
— A crucial election.
— A crucial issue for women.

synonym: important.

Roget 219: crossing etc. v.; crossed, matted &c., v.. transverse.    cross, cruciform, crucial; retiform, reticular, ... show more

Roget 478: demonstrating etc. v., demonstrative, demonstrable; probative, unanswerable, conclusive; apodictic, apodeictic, apodeictical; irresistible, irrefutable, irrefragable; ... show more

Polish: ważny

2 crucial

Having crucial relevance.

3 crucial

Of the greatest importance:
— Crucial information.

synonyms: all-important, all important, essential, of the essence.

Polish: główny, zasadniczy, najważniejszy, właściwy, pryncypalny

Moby thesaurus: aboriginal, acute, basal, basic, central, charged, clamorous, climacteric, compelling, critical, crying, deciding, decisive, desperate, dire, elemental, elementary, embryonic, emergent, essential ... show more.

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