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carpet knight


1 carpet knight

A knight who spends his time in luxury and idleness (knighted on the carpet at court rather than on the field of battle).

Roget 854: fop, fine gentleman; swell; dandy, dandiprat; exquisite, coxcomb, beau, macaroni, blade, blood, buck, man about town, fast man; ... show more

Roget 886: servility; slavery etc. (subjection) 749; obsequiousness etc. adj.; subserviency; abasement; prostration, prosternation; genuflection ... show more

Roget 954a: Sybarite, voluptuary, Sardanaphalus, man of pleasure, carpet knight; epicure, epicurean, gourmet, gourmand; pig, hog; votary of Epicurus, swine of Epicurus; sensualist; ... show more

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