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1 beau

A man who is the lover of a man or woman.

synonyms: boyfriend, fellow, swain.

Roget 373: man, male, he, him; manhood etc. (adolescence) 131; gentleman, sir, master; sahib; yeoman, wight, ... show more

Roget 897: love; fondness etc. adj.; liking; inclination etc. (desire) 865; regard, dilection, admiration, fancy.    affection, ... show more

Dutch: vriendje, minnaar, lief, vriend
Polish: chłopak, chłopiec

2 beau

A man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance.

synonyms: clotheshorse, dandy, dude, fashion plate, fop, gallant, sheik, swell.

Roget 854: fop, fine gentleman; swell; dandy, dandiprat; exquisite, coxcomb, beau, macaroni, blade, blood, buck, man about town, fast man; ... show more

Dutch: modegek, vent, sjeik
Polish: dandys, elegancik, elegant, fircyk, goguś, laluś, modniś, picuś glancuś, piękniś, strojniś ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Beau Brummel, Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, Romeo, amoroso, beloved, blade, blood, boulevardier, boyfriend, caballero, cavalier, cavaliere servente, clotheshorse, coxcomb, dandy, dude, esquire, exquisite ... show more.

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