English synonyms about - contact  



1 viscid

Having the sticky properties of an adhesive.

synonyms: gluey, glutinous, gummy, mucilaginous, pasty, sticky, viscous.

Roget 352: semifluid, semiliquid; tremellose; half melted, half frozen; milky, muddy etc. n.; lacteal, lactean, lacteous, lactescent, lactiferous; ... show more

Polish: kleisty, klejÄ…cy, klejki, lepki, klejowaty, czepny

Moby thesaurus: adherent, adhesive, amylaceous, bulldogged, bulldoggish, bulldoggy, bullheaded, cartilaginous, chewy, clabbered, clammy, clingy, close, close-knit, close-textured, close-woven, clotted, coagulated, cohesive, compact ... show more.

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