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1 unstable

Lacking stability or fixity or firmness.

Roget 149: changeable, changeful; changing etc. 140; mutable, variable, checkered, ever changing; protean, proteiform; versatile.    unstaid, inconstant; ... show more

Polish: niestateczny

2 unstable

Highly or violently reactive.

3 unstable

Affording no ease or reassurance.

synonym: precarious.

Roget 111: transient, transitory, transitive; passing, evanescent, fleeting, cursory, short-lived, ephemeral; flying etc. v.; fugacious, ... show more

Roget 665: in danger etc. n.; endangered etc. v.; fraught with danger; dangerous, hazardous, perilous, parlous, periculous; unsafe, unprotected ... show more

4 unstable

Suffering from severe mental illness.

synonyms: mentally ill, unsound.

5 unstable

Disposed to psychological variability.

Polish: niestateczny

6 unstable

Subject to change; variable:
— Everything was unstable following the coup.

synonym: fluid.

Moby thesaurus: adrift, afloat, alternating, ambiguous, amorphous, borderline, brittle, buoyant, canted, capricious, changeable, changeful, changing, choppy, corruptible, crumbling, dangerous, deciduous, decrepit, desultory ... show more.

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