English synonyms about - contact  

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1 talkative

Full of trivial conversation.

synonyms: chatty, gabby, garrulous, loquacious, talky.

Roget 582: speaking &c.; spoken etc. v.; oral, lingual, phonetic, not written, unwritten, outspoken; eloquent, elocutionary; ... show more

Roget 584: loquacious, talkative, garrulous, linguacious, multiloquous; largiloquent; chattering etc. v.; chatty etc. (sociable) 892; declamatory ... show more

Polish: szczebiotliwy

2 talkative

Unwisely talking too much.

synonyms: bigmouthed, blabbermouthed, blabby.

3 talkative

Friendly and open and willing to talk.

synonym: expansive.

Moby thesaurus: accessible, all jaw, apocalyptic, approachable, articulate, betraying, candid, chatty, communicative, conversable, conversational, de longue haleine, demonstrative, disclosing, disclosive, effusive, eloquent, endless, expansive, exposing ... show more.

Find more on talkative elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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