English synonyms about - contact  

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1 stuffing

A mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables.

synonym: dressing.

Roget 224: lining, inner coating; coating etc. (covering) 223; stalactite, stalagmite.    filling, stuffing, wadding, padding.    wainscot, ... show more

Roget 263: stopper, stopple; plug, cork, bung, spike, spill, stopcock, tap; rammer; ram, ramrod; piston; ... show more

Roget 190: contents; cargo, lading, freight, shipment, load, bale, burden, jag; cartload, shipload; cup of, basket of, etc. ... show more

Dutch: interieur

2 stuffing

Padding put in mattresses and cushions and upholstered furniture.

Dutch: interieur, vulstof

Moby thesaurus: Apician, abdomen, all-devouring, anhydration, anus, appendix, blast-freezing, blind gut, bolting, bonus, bottling, bowels, brain, brining, bush, bushing, canning, cecum, colon, corning ... show more.

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