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1 spiritualize

Give a spiritual meaning to; read in a spiritual sense.

synonym: spiritualise.

Roget 317: disembody, spiritualize.   

Roget 476: reason, argue, discuss, debate, dispute, wrangle, argufy, bandy words, bandy arguments; chop logic; hold an argument, carry on an argument; controvert ... show more

2 spiritualize

Elevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfiguration.

synonyms: glorify, transfigure.

3 spiritualize

Purify from the corrupting influences of the world:
— During his stay at the ashram he was spiritualized.

synonym: spiritualise.

Moby thesaurus: attenuate, bolt, clarify, clear, decrassify, dematerialize, depurate, disembody, disincarnate, distill, edulcorate, elute, enervate, essentialize, etherealize, extract, filter, filtrate, idealize, immaterialize ... show more.

Find more on spiritualize elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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