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social science


1 social science

The branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society.

Roget 910: philanthropy, humanity, humanitarianism universal humanitarianism universal benevolence; endaemonism, deliciae humani generis [Lat.]; cosmopolitanism utilitarianism, the greatest happiness of the greatest number, social science, sociology common weal; socialism, communism, Fourierism, phalansterianism, Saint Simonianism.    ... show more

Dutch: sociale wetenschappen, maatschappijwetenschap
Polish: nauka społeczna

Moby thesaurus: academic discipline, academic specialty, action, actions, activity, acts, address, affectation, air, applied science, area, arena, art, bearing, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, carriage, comportment ... show more.

Find more on social science elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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