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1 smiling

A facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement.

synonyms: grin, grinning, smile.

Dutch: grijns, smuilen, lachen, glimlachen, lach, glimlach
Polish: uśmiech


1 smiling

Smiling with happiness or optimism:
— A room of smiling faces.

synonyms: beamish, twinkly.

Roget 836: cheerful; happy etc. 827; cheery, cheerly; of good cheer, smiling; blithe; in spirits, in good spirits; breezy, bully, chipper [U.S.]; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: beam, beaming, beatific, beatified, blessed, blissful, blithe, blithesome, bright, bright and sunny, bright smile, broad grin, capering, cheerful, cheery, chirping, dancing, ear-to-ear grin, elated, eupeptic ... show more.

Find more on smiling elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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