English synonyms about - contact  

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1 sensitiveness

Sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others).

synonym: sensitivity.

Polish: wrażliwość

2 sensitiveness

physiology Responsiveness to external stimuli; the faculty of sensation.

synonyms: sensibility, sensitivity.

Roget 822: sensibility, sensibleness, sensitiveness; moral sensibility; impressibility, affectibility; susceptibleness, susceptibility, susceptivity; mobility; vivacity, vivaciousness; tenderness, softness; ... show more

Roget 375: sensibility; sensitiveness etc. adj.; physical sensibility, feeling, impressibility, perceptivity, aesthetics; moral sensibility etc. 822.    sensation, impression; ... show more

Dutch: gevoeligheid, sensibiliteit

3 sensitiveness

The ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences:
— The sensitiveness of Mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth.

synonym: sensitivity.

Dutch: gevoeligheid, lichtgevoeligheid
Polish: niewytrzymałość

4 sensitiveness

The ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment.

synonym: sensitivity.

Dutch: ontvankelijkheid

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