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1 scattered

Occurring or distributed over widely spaced and irregular intervals in time or space.

Roget 103: few; scant, scanty; thin, rare, scattered, thinly scattered, spotty, few and far between, exiguous; infrequent etc. 137; rari nantes [Lat.]; ... show more

2 scattered

Lacking orderly continuity:
— Scattered thoughts.

synonyms: confused, disconnected, disjointed, disordered, garbled, illogical, unconnected.

Moby thesaurus: alienated, all up with, anarchic, arsy-varsy, ass-backwards, balled up, beat, beaten, bested, bollixed up, broadcast, chaotic, cheeseparing, chinchy, chintzy, confounded, confused, defeated, deflected, deflective ... show more.

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