English synonyms about - contact  

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

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1 scale

An ordered reference standard:
— Judging on a scale of 1 to 10.

synonyms: graduated table, ordered series, scale of measurement.

Roget 319: gravity, gravitation; weight; heaviness etc. adj.; specific gravity; pondorosity, pressure, load; burden, burthen; ballast, counterpoise; ... show more

Roget 591: printing; block printing, type-printing; plate printing etc. 558 (engraving); the press etc. (publication) 531; composition.    print, letterpress, ... show more

Roget 466: measurement, admeasurement, mensuration, survey, valuation, appraisement, assessment, assize; estimate, estimation; dead reckoning, reckoning etc. ... show more

Roget 69: continuity; consecution, consecutiveness etc. adj.; succession, round, suite, progression, series, train chain; catenation, concatenation; ... show more

Roget 51: part, portion; dose; item, particular; aught, any; division, ward; subdivision, section; chapter, clause, count, ... show more

Roget 413: melody, rhythm, measure; rhyme etc. (poetry) 597.    pitch, timbre, intonation, tone.    scale, gamut; ... show more

Roget 200: length, longitude, span; mileage; distance etc. 196.    line, bar, rule, stripe, streak, spoke, radius.    ... show more

Roget 193: littleness etc. adj.; smallness etc. (of quantity) 32; exiguity, inextension; parvitude, parvity; duodecimo; Elzevir edition, ... show more

Roget 71: term, rank, station, stage, step; degree etc. 26; scale, remove, grade, link, peg, round of the ladder, ... show more

Polish: skala

2 scale

Relative magnitude.

Dutch: schaalverdeling

3 scale

The ratio between the size of something and a representation of it.

Dutch: schaal, schaalverdeling
Polish: podziałka, skala

4 scale

A specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin.

synonym: scale leaf.

5 scale

A thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin.

synonyms: exfoliation, scurf.

Dutch: huidschilfer, vel, velletje

6 scale

music A series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave).

synonym: musical scale.

Dutch: toonladder
Polish: skala

7 scale

A measuring instrument for weighing; shows amount of mass.

synonym: weighing machine.

Dutch: schaal, weegschaal, weegtoestel
Polish: waga

8 scale

An indicator having a graduated sequence of marks.

Polish: kreska

9 scale

A metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners).

synonyms: plate, shell.

Roget 204: layer, stratum, strata, course, bed, zone, substratum, substrata, floor, flag, stage, story, tier, slab, ... show more

Roget 223: covering, cover; baldachin, baldachino, baldaquin; canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri [Fr.], umbrella, parasol, sunshade; ... show more

10 scale

A flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals.

Dutch: schub
Polish: łuska


1 scale

Measure by or as if by a scale.

2 scale

Pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard.

3 scale

Take by attacking with scaling ladders.

4 scale

Reach the highest point of:
— We scaled the Mont Blanc.

synonym: surmount.

Roget 305: ascend, rise, mount, arise, uprise; go up, get up, work one's way up, start up; shoot up, go into orbit; float up; bubble up; aspire.    ... show more

5 scale

Climb up by means of a ladder.

Dutch: opklauteren

6 scale

Remove the scales from:
— Scale fish.

synonym: descale.

7 scale

Measure with or as if with scales.

8 scale

Size or measure according to a scale.

Moby thesaurus: Danish balance, Indian file, Lambert conformal projection, Mercator projection, Miller projection, Roman balance, Weightometer, accommodation ladder, adjust, aeronautical chart, alloy balance, amount, amplitude, analytical balance, area, arrange in layers, array, articulation, ascend, assay balance ... show more.

Find more on scale elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 319: gravity, gravitation; weight; heaviness etc. adj.; specific gravity; pondorosity, pressure, load; burden, burthen; ballast, counterpoise; ... show more

Find more on scales elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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