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1 regulation

An authoritative rule.

synonym: ordinance.

Roget 693: direction; management, managery; government, gubernation, conduct, legislation, regulation, guidance; bossism [U.S.]; legislature; steerage, pilotage; ... show more

Roget 963: legality; legitimacy, legitimateness.    legislature; law, code, corpus juris [Lat.], constitution, pandect, charter, enactment, statute, rule; canon ... show more

Dutch: verordening, bepaling

2 regulation

A principle or condition that customarily governs behavior:
— Short haircuts were the regulation.

synonym: rule.

Roget 697: precept, direction, instruction, charge; prescript, prescription; recipe, receipt; golden rule; maxim etc. 496.    rule, canon, ... show more

Dutch: regel

3 regulation

The state of being controlled or governed.

4 regulation

embryology The ability of an early embryo to continue normal development after its structure has been somehow damaged or altered.

5 regulation

The act of bringing to uniformity; making regular.

synonyms: regularisation, regularization.

6 regulation

The act of controlling or directing according to rule:
— Fiscal regulations are in the hands of politicians.

synonym: regulating.

Dutch: reglement, verordening, ordonnantie, prescriptie, statuut, voorschrift


1 regulation

Prescribed by or according to regulation.

Polish: regulaminowy, przepisowy

Moby thesaurus: Procrustean law, accepted, accommodation, accustomed, act, adaptation, adjustment, administration, assimilation, attunement, authoritative, authority, average, balance, balancing, bill, binding, bylaw, canon, canonical ... show more.

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