English synonyms about - contact  



1 refinery

An industrial plant for purifying a crude substance.

Roget 384: increase of temperature; heating etc. v.; calefaction, tepefaction, torrefaction; melting, fusion; liquefaction etc. 335; burning etc. ... show more

Roget 691: workshop, workhouse, workplace, shop, place of business; manufactory, mill, plant, works, factory; cabinet, studio; office, branch office bureau, ... show more

Dutch: raffinaderij

Moby thesaurus: armory, arsenal, assembly line, assembly plant, atomic energy plant, bindery, boatyard, boilery, bookbindery, brewery, brickyard, cannery, clarifier, colander, cradle, creamery, cribble, dairy, defense plant, distillery ... show more.

Find more on refinery elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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