English synonyms about - contact  

raise one's head


Roget 658: improve; be better, become better, get better; mend, amend.    advance etc. (progress) 282; ascend etc. 305; increase ... show more

Roget 689: brace etc. (strengthen) 159; reinvigorate; air, freshen up, refresh, recruit; repair etc. (restore) 660; fan, ... show more

Roget 734: prosper, thrive, flourish; be prosperous etc. adj.; drive a roaring trade, do a booming business; go on well, go on smoothly, go on swimmingly; sail before the wind, swim with the tide; run smooth, ... show more

Roget 873: be conscious of glory; be proud of etc. (pride) 878; exult etc. (boast) 884; be vain of etc. (vanity) 880.    be distinguished ... show more

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