English synonyms about - contact  

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1 preventative

Remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease:
— The doctor recommended several preventatives.

synonyms: preventive, prophylactic.

Dutch: profilax, profylacticum

2 preventative

Any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome.

synonyms: encumbrance, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, incumbrance, interference, preventive.

3 preventative

An agent or device intended to prevent conception.

synonyms: birth control device, contraceptive, contraceptive device, preventive, prophylactic device.

Dutch: anticonceptiemiddel, anticonceptivum, contraceptief, contraceptiemiddel, contraceptivum, preservatief, voorbehoedmiddel
Polish: zabezpieczenie


1 preventative

Tending to prevent or hinder.

synonym: preventive.

Polish: prewencyjny, zapobiegawczy

2 preventative

Preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease.

synonyms: preventive, prophylactic.

Roget 662: remedial; restorative etc. 660; corrective, palliative, healing; sanatory, sanative; prophylactic, preventative, immunizing; salutiferous etc. ... show more

Polish: profilaktyczny

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