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1 practicable

Usable for a specific purpose:
— A practicable solution.

synonym: operable.

2 practicable

Capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are.

synonyms: executable, feasible, viable, workable.

Roget 470: possible; in the cards, on the dice; in posse, within the bounds of possibility, conceivable, credible; compatible etc. 23; likely.    practicable, feasible, performable, ... show more

Polish: wykonalny

Moby thesaurus: accessible, accomplishable, achievable, actable, attainable, banausic, compassable, doable, effective, effectual, efficient, employable, feasible, functional, handy, manageable, maneuverable, manipulatable, negotiable, operable ... show more.

Find more on practicable elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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