English synonyms about - contact  



1 policeman

A member of a police force.

synonyms: officer, police officer.

Roget 965: jurisdiction, judicature, administration of justice, soc; executive, commission of the peace; magistracy etc. (authority) 737.    judge etc. 967; tribunal ... show more

Roget 664: safety, security, surety, impregnability; invulnerability, invulnerableness etc. adj.; danger past, danger over; storm blown over; coast clear; escape etc. ... show more

Dutch: politieagente, agent, bout, diender, flic, flik, gerechtsdienaar, glimmerik, juut, klabak ... show more
Polish: stróż prawa, stróż bezpieczeństwa, policjant

Moby thesaurus: Dogberry, G-man, John Law, MP, bailiff, beadle, beagle, bluebottle, bluecoat, bobby, bound bailiff, bull, captain, catchpole, chief of police, commissioner, constable, cop, copper, deputy ... show more.

Find more on policeman elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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