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1 oversupply

The quality of being so overabundant that prices fall.

synonyms: glut, surfeit.

Roget 641: redundancy, redundance; too much, too many; superabundance, superfluity, superfluence, saturation; nimiety, transcendency, exuberance, profuseness; profusion ... show more

Dutch: overmaat, oververzadiging, landbouwoverschot
Polish: nadpodaż


1 oversupply

Supply with an excess of.

synonyms: flood, glut.

Moby thesaurus: avalanche, balance, be prodigal with, bonus, deluge, dividend, embarras de richesses, engulf, enough, extra, extravagance, extravagancy, flood, flood the market, gratuity, inundate, inundation, lagniappe, landslide, lavishness ... show more.

Find more on oversupply elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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