English synonyms about - contact  

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1 nomination

The act of officially naming a candidate.

Roget 564: nomenclature; naming etc. v.; nuncupation, nomination, baptism; orismology; onomatopoeia; antonomasia.    name; appelation, appelative; designation, ... show more

Roget 755: commission, delegation; consignment, assignment; procuration; deputation, legation, mission, embassy; agency, agentship; power of attorney; clerkship; ... show more

Dutch: nominatie, voordracht
Polish: mianowanie, desygnacja, nominacja

2 nomination

The condition of having been proposed as a suitable candidate for appointment or election.

3 nomination

An address (usually at a political convention) proposing the name of a candidate to run for election:
— The nomination was brief and to the point.

synonyms: nominating address, nominating speech.

Moby thesaurus: acceptance speech, apostolic orders, appointment, assignment, calling, canonization, caucus nomination, conferment, consecration, designation, direct nomination, election, holy orders, induction, installation, institution, investiture, major orders, minor orders, naming ... show more.

Find more on nomination elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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