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1 naturalness

The quality of being natural or based on natural principles.

Roget 80: normality, normalcy, normalness; familiarity, naturalness; commonness (frequency) 136; rule, standard (conformity) 82; customary (habit) ... show more

2 naturalness

The quality of innocent naivete.

synonyms: artlessness, ingenuousness, innocence.

Dutch: argeloosheid, naïveteit, naïviteit, onbedorvenheid, onschuld
Polish: prostoduszność

3 naturalness

The likeness of a representation to the thing represented.

Moby thesaurus: Atticism, Bohemianism, abandon, absolute realism, affability, appropriateness, artlessness, austerity, authenticity, baldness, bareness, bona fideness, candor, casualness, chasteness, chastity, clarity, classicalism, classicism, clearness ... show more.

Find more on naturalness elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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