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1 mousse

A rich, frothy, creamy dessert made with whipped egg whites and heavy cream.

Polish: mus

2 mousse

A light creamy dish made from fish or meat and set with gelatin.

3 mousse

Toiletry consisting of an aerosol foam used in hair styling.

synonym: hair mousse.


1 mousse

Apply a styling gel to:
— She mousses her hair.

synonym: gel.

Moby thesaurus: Charlotte, Jell-O, blancmange, breakers, candy, carrot pudding, chocolate mousse, collar, comfit, compote, confection, confectionery, confiture, conserve, custard, duff, flan, foam, frosting, froth ... show more.

Find more on mousse elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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