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1 morning

The time period between dawn and noon:
— I spent the morning running errands.

synonyms: forenoon, morn, morning time.

Roget 132: earliness etc. adj.; morning etc. 125.    punctuality; promptitude etc. (activity) 682; haste etc. (velocity) ... show more

Dutch: morgen, voormiddag
Polish: rano

2 morning

A conventional expression of greeting or farewell.

synonym: good morning.

3 morning

The first light of day:
— They talked until morning.

synonyms: aurora, break of day, break of the day, cockcrow, dawn, dawning, daybreak, dayspring, first light, sunrise ... show more.

Roget 125: morning, morn, forenoon, a.   m., prime, dawn, daybreak; dayspring, foreday, sunup; peep of day, break of day; aurora; first blush of the morning, ... show more

Dutch: morgenrood, hanegekraai, aanbreken van de dag, zonsopgang, aurora, dageraad, morgen, morgenkrieken, morgenlicht, morgenstond ... show more
Polish: świtanie, wschód, świt, zaranie

4 morning

The earliest period:
— The morning of the world.

synonym: dawn.

Polish: wzejście

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