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1 masterpiece

The most outstanding work of a creative artist or craftsman.

synonym: chef-d'oeuvre.

Roget 648: goodness etc. adj.; excellence, merit; virtue etc. 944; value, worth, price.    super-excellence, supereminence; superiority ... show more

Roget 650: perfection; perfectness etc. adj.; indefectibility; impeccancy, impeccability.    pink, beau ideal, phenix, paragon; pink of perfection, acme of perfection; ne plus ultra [Lat.]; ... show more

Roget 698: skill, skillfulness, address; dexterity, dexterousness; adroitness, expertness etc. adj.; proficiency, competence, technical competence, craft, callidity, ... show more

Dutch: chef d'oeuvre, chef-d'oeuvre, gildenproef, gildeproef, hoofdwerk, meesterstuk, meesterwerk, proefstuk
Polish: arcydzieło, majstersztyk

2 masterpiece

An outstanding achievement.

Dutch: meesterstuk

Moby thesaurus: archetype, art object, artifact, brainchild, bric-a-brac, child, classic, coinage, composition, concoction, creation, creature, crowning achievement, design, distillation, effect, end product, essence, exemplar, extract ... show more.

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