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1 massacre

The savage and excessive killing of many people.

synonyms: butchery, carnage, mass murder, slaughter.

Roget 361: killing etc. v.; homicide, manslaughter, murder, assassination, trucidation, iccusion; effusion of blood; blood, blood shed; gore, slaughter, ... show more

Dutch: massamoord, bloedbad


1 massacre

Kill a large number of people indiscriminately:
— The Hutus massacred the Tutsis in Rwanda.

synonyms: mow down, slaughter.

Roget 361: kill, put to death, slay, shed blood; murder, assassinate, butcher, slaughter, victimize, immolate; massacre; take away life, deprive of life; make away with, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: annihilate, annihilating, annihilation, assassination, assault, attack, battering, bloodbath, bloodshed, bump off, butcher, butchering, butchery, carnage, commit carnage, commit genocide, commit mass murder, decimate, decimation, depopulate ... show more.

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