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1 loyal

Steadfast in allegiance or duty.

Roget 939: upright; honest, honest as daylight; veracious etc. 543; virtuous etc. 944; honorable; fair, right, just, equitable, ... show more

Roget 772: observant, faithful, true, loyal; honorable etc. 939; true as the dial to the sun, true as the needle to the pole; punctual, punctilious; literal etc. ... show more

Roget 743: obedient; complying, compliant; loyal, faithful, devoted; at one's call, at one's command, at one's orders, at one's beck and call; under beck and call, under control.    restrainable; resigned, ... show more

Polish: lojalny

2 loyal

Inspired by love for your country.

synonym: patriotic.

Dutch: patriottisch, vaderlandslievend

3 loyal

Unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause:
— Loyal supporters.

synonyms: fast, firm, truehearted.

Moby thesaurus: abandoned, acquiescent, active, afire, ardent, assiduous, burning, committed, compliant, complying, conforming, conscientious, consistent, constant, continuing, dedicated, dependable, devoted, devout, diligent ... show more.

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