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1 least

Something that is of no importance.


1 least

The superlative of `little' that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the'; a quantifier meaning smallest in amount or extent or degree.

Roget 34: inferior, smaller; small etc. 32; minor, less, lesser, deficient, minus, lower, subordinate, secondary; secondrate ... show more


1 least

Used to form the superlative:
— The garter snake is the least dangerous snake.

synonym: to the lowest degree.

Moby thesaurus: at a disadvantage, at the nadir, below, below the mark, few, homely, humble, humble-looking, humble-visaged, humblest, in the gutter, inglorious, innocuous, least of all, less, littlest, low, lowest, lowliest, lowly ... show more.

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