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1 juvenile

A young person, not fully developed.

synonym: juvenile person.

Dutch: infantiel, kinderachtig, onvolwassen, juveniel


1 juvenile

Of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people.

Roget 127: young, youthful, juvenile, green, callow, budding, sappy, puisne, beardless, under age, in one's teens; in statu pupillari [Lat.]; younger, junior; ... show more

2 juvenile

Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity:
— Their behavior was juvenile.

synonyms: adolescent, jejune, puerile.

Moby thesaurus: Roscius, actor, actress, adolescent, antagonist, at half cock, baby, babyish, bad guy, barnstormer, best seller, book, bound book, boy, callow, character, character actor, character man, character woman, chickabiddy ... show more.

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