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1 instrumental

Relating to or designed for or performed on musical instruments.

Roget 632: instrumental etc. 631; mechanical etc. 633.   

Roget 633: instrumental etc. 631; mechanical, machinal; brachial [Med.].   

Roget 415: musical; instrumental, vocal, choral, lyric, operatic; harmonious etc. 413; Wagnerian.   

Polish: instrumentalny

2 instrumental

Serving or acting as a means or aid:
— Instrumental in solving the crime.

synonyms: implemental, subservient.

Roget 631: instrumental; useful etc. 644; ministerial, subservient, mediatorial; intermediate, intervening; conducive.   

Polish: sprzętowy

Moby thesaurus: accessory, adjuvant, advantageous, agential, agentival, agentive, ancillary, assistant, assisting, auxiliary, beneficial, catalytic, concert, conducive, contributory, dramatico-musical, employable, facilitating, favoring, forwarding ... show more.

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