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1 inspissate

Make viscous or dense.

synonym: thicken.

Roget 321: be dense etc. adj.; become solid, render solid etc. adj.; solidify, solidate; concrete, set, take a set, consolidate, ... show more

Roget 352: inspissate, incrassate; thicken, mash, squash, churn, beat up.    sinter.   

2 inspissate

Make thick or thicker:
— Inspissate the tar so that it becomes pitch.

synonym: thicken.

Dutch: binden

3 inspissate

Become thick or thicker:
— The egg yolk will inspissate.

synonym: thicken.

Dutch: verdikken

Moby thesaurus: beat up, cake, caked, cakey, churn, clabber, clabbered, clot, clotted, clump, cluster, coagulate, coagulated, colloid, colloidize, concrete, congeal, congealed, cream, curd ... show more.

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