English synonyms about - contact  

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1 initiation

A formal entry into an organization or position or office:
— His initiation into the club.

synonyms: induction, installation.

Roget 537: teaching etc. v.; instruction; edification; education; tuition; tutorage, tutelage; direction, guidance; opsimathy.    qualification, ... show more

Dutch: bevestiging, installatie, vestiging

2 initiation

The act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new:
— She looked forward to her initiation as an adult.

synonyms: creation, foundation, founding, innovation, instauration, institution, introduction, origination.

Dutch: inleiding, creatie, formatie, grondvesting, introductie, stichting, vorming
Polish: inicjacja

3 initiation

Wisdom as evidenced by the possession of knowledge:
— His dullness was due to lack of initiation.

synonyms: knowledgeability, knowledgeableness.

4 initiation

An act that sets in motion some course of events.

synonyms: induction, trigger.

Polish: wywołanie

Moby thesaurus: abecedarium, abecedary, acceptance, admission, admittance, anchorage, and arithmetic, baccalaureate service, baptism, beginning, celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, colonization, coming out, commencement, convocation, curtain raiser, debut, elementary education ... show more.

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