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1 gravy

A sauce made by adding stock, flour, or other ingredients to the juice and fat that drips from cooking meats.

Roget 333: fluidity, liquidity; liquidness etc. adj.; gaseity etc. 334.    fluid, inelastic fluid; liquid, liquor; lymph, ... show more

Dutch: jus

2 gravy

The seasoned but not thickened juices that drip from cooking meats; often a little water is added.

synonym: pan gravy.

3 gravy

A sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money).

synonyms: bonanza, boom, bunce, godsend, gold rush, manna from heaven, windfall.

Dutch: godsgeschenk, saus, buitenkans, buitenkansje, explosie, kaan
Polish: manna z nieba

Moby thesaurus: Colbert, Smitane, Soubise, Trinkgeld, allemande, bonus, bonus system, bounty, bourguignonne, bribe, brown sauce, buried treasure, consideration, cream sauce, discovery, donative, double time, egg sauce, espagnole, fee ... show more.

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