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1 envy

A feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that is possessed by another.

synonym: enviousness.

Roget 921: envy; enviousness etc. adj.; rivalry; jalousie de milier [Fr.]; illwill, spite.   

Dutch: nijd, afgunst, ijverzucht, jaloersheid, jaloezie, kinnesinne, naijver
Polish: zazdrość

2 envy

Spite and resentment at seeing the success of another (personified as one of the deadly sins).

synonym: invidia.


1 envy

Feel envious towards; admire enviously.

Roget 921: envy, covet, burst with envy.   

Dutch: benijden

2 envy

Be envious of; set one's heart on.

synonym: begrudge.

Moby thesaurus: Faustianism, acedia, anger, avarice, avaritia, begrudge, cast envious eyes, cold comfort, covet, covetousness, crave, deadly sin, desire, disappointment, discontent, discontentedness, discontentment, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, dissatisfiedness ... show more.

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