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1 clincher

An argument that is conclusive.

synonyms: determiner, determining factor.

Roget 479: confutation, refutation; answer, complete answer; disproof, conviction, redargution, invalidation; exposure, exposition; clincher; retort; reductio ad absurdum; knock down argument, ... show more

2 clincher

A point or fact or remark that settles something conclusively.

synonym: decisive factor.

Dutch: afsluiter, hekkensluiter, hekkesluiter

3 clincher

A tool used to clinch nails or bolts or rivets.

Moby thesaurus: KO, conclusive argument, coup de grace, crusher, death stroke, deathblow, end-all, ender, final stroke, finisher, finishing stroke, floorer, kayo, kayo punch, knockdown argument, knockout, knockout blow, last dab, quietus, settler ... show more.

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