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1 auger

A long flexible steel coil for dislodging stoppages in curved pipes.

synonyms: plumber's snake, snake.

2 auger

Hand tool for boring holes.

synonyms: gimlet, screw auger, wimble.

Roget 262: perforator, piercer, borer, auger, chisel, gimlet, stylet, drill, wimble, awl, bradawl, scoop, terrier, corkscrew, ... show more

Dutch: fretboor, grondboor
Polish: świder

Moby thesaurus: aculeus, acumination, bit, bore, bore bit, borer, brace and bit, breast auger, breast drill, broach, burr, chamfer bit, corkscrew, cross bit, cusp, diamond drill, drill, drill press, gimlet, hand drill ... show more.

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