English synonyms about - contact  

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1 attenuation

Weakening in force or intensity:
— Attenuation in the volume of the sound.

synonym: fading.

Roget 330: powderiness [State of powder.], pulverulence; sandiness etc. adj.; efflorescence; friability.    powder, dust, sand, shingle; sawdust; grit; ... show more

Roget 195: contraction, reduction, diminution; decrease of size etc. 36; defalcation, decrement; lessening, shrinking etc. v.; compaction; ... show more

Dutch: verkleuring
Polish: Ĺ‚agodzenie

2 attenuation

The property of something that has been weakened or reduced in thickness or density.

Find more on attenuation elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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