English synonyms about - contact  

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1 alertness

The process of paying close and continuous attention.

synonyms: vigilance, wakefulness, watchfulness.

Roget 457: attention; mindfulness, presence of mind etc. adj.; intentness, intentiveness; alertness; thought etc. 451; advertence, advertency; ... show more

Roget 459: care, solicitude, heed; heedfulness etc. adj.; scruple etc. (conscientiousness) 939.    watchfulness etc. adj.; ... show more

Dutch: waakzaamheid
Polish: czujność

2 alertness

A state of readiness to respond.

synonym: alerting.

3 alertness

Lively attentiveness.

synonyms: on the qui vive, sharp-sightedness.

Find more on alertness elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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