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1 alchemy

The way two individuals relate to each other:
— A mysterious alchemy brought them together.

synonyms: chemistry, interpersonal chemistry.

Roget 144: conversion, reduction, transmutation, resolution, assimilation; evolution, sea change; change of state; assumption; naturalization; transportation; development [Biol.], developing.    [photography] ... show more

2 alchemy

A pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times.

Dutch: scheikunde, alchemie, alchimie
Polish: alchemia

Moby thesaurus: about-face, assimilation, assumption, becoming, bewitchery, change, change-over, charm, conversion, divination, enchantment, fetishism, flip-flop, glamour, gramarye, growth, hoodoo, juju, jujuism, lapse ... show more.

Find more on alchemy elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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