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1 abject

Of the most contemptible kind:
— Abject cowardice.

synonyms: low, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy.

Roget 886: servile, obsequious; supple, supple as a glove; soapy, oily, pliant, cringing, abased, dough-faced, fawning, slavish, groveling, sniveling, ... show more

Roget 874: disgraced etc. v.; blown upon; shorn of its beams" [Milton], shorn of one's glory; overcome, downtrodden; loaded with shame etc. n.; in bad repute etc. ... show more

Roget 940: dishonest, dishonorable; unconscientious, unscrupulous; fraudulent etc. 545; knavish; disgraceful etc. (disreputable) 974; wicked etc. ... show more

2 abject

Most unfortunate or miserable.

3 abject

Showing utter resignation or hopelessness:
— Abject surrender.

synonym: unhopeful.

4 abject

Showing humiliation or submissiveness.

Polish: uniżony

Moby thesaurus: abominable, accepting, acquiescent, agreeable, apologetic, arrant, assenting, atrocious, backscratching, base, beggarly, bootlicking, cheesy, complaisant, compliable, compliant, complying, consenting, contemptible, contrite ... show more.

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